Author: Tony Henderson

Bull Running

Bull fighting in Spain is a controversial subject. There is some who will say it only exists because of tourists. This is not true. Some say it’s part of the culture and history of...

Should Everyone be Entitled to Vote?

These are apparently actual complaints received from unhappy customers by Thomas Cook, the tour operators. I do not dispute that these people should have the  ability to vote on TV reality shows, but should...

Times change

Unless you’re less than forty years old you will appreciate this five second video which demonstrates how things have changed. I remember in about 1990 when working for Royal Insurance in Liverpool in a...

Saving Our House

So now I have another reason for loving Spain and the people who live here. They saved our house when threatened by a fire on the mountain where we live in May 2014. Approximately...

Bob Newhart

Many of my older readers will remember Bob Newhart the American comedian in the 1960’s. One of his funniest skits was when he pretended to be in the UK and was talking to Sir...

Las Fallas

Every year on the final days of the winter and the arrival of spring the city of Valencia has five days of fiesta, to celebrate the feast of Saint Joseph, day of the father...

A Moving Street Performance

This starts very simply with a little girl leaving a tip for a street musician. What follows looks impromptu but you eventually realise it isn’t. However it made me quite emotional. Full marks to...

Beans Advert

Sometimes a spoof video advertisement catches the eye. What always surprises me is that someone somewhere thinks what if? Then they make it and share it with the world Thanks Cinesite Someone has posted...

Kai Tak Airport

The international airport of Hong Kong from 1925 until 1998 was Kai Tak. My family flew in and out of Kai Tak three or four times a year for ten years. After a while...